Suppy of LED bulbs and high bay lights

Our company supply lowest power consuming, high IP rate LED bulbs and fixture for industrial usage and outdoor lightings with official authorization. These LED lights unarguably considered as environmental friendly product as it is much brighter than other type of bulbs and at the same time it boasts by its longest lifecycle with lowest power consumption. Learn more about LED lights…

Oyu Tolgoi LLC is the biggest consumer of this LED bulb and regularly orders them for OT site facility (Khanbogd soum, Umnugovi aimag) both indoor and outdoor and underground mines. We really appreciate Oyu Tolgoi LLC for choosing environmental friendly and responsibly while having significant contribution for our company. We are proud for cooperating with Mongolia’s leading company Oyu Tolgoi LLC in a meaningful way.#ОТБиднийБахархал